Planting the seed for a better tomorrow with an immersive animated series for children that tells the story of environmental sustainability, which inspires change for generations to come.
IMMERSEE is planting the SEED of environmental responsibility
is planting
the SEED
of environmental responsibility
Produced in collaboration between SEE Institute and Eight Path , SEED aims to cultivate a generation of environmentally conscious leaders. Our educational animated series empowers students to make sustainable and responsible decisions in relation to the fundamental elements of sustainability: Food, Energy, Water, Product, Mobility, and Waste – together known as FEWPMW. Understanding how we all can make a positive impact will bring about the essential change needed to rejuvenate, restore, and rebalance our Earth.
fundamental elements of sustainability
minutes immersive experience
Produced in collaboration between SEE Institute and Eight Path, SEED is our dedicated Sustainable Education program, meticulously designed to cultivate a new generation of environmentally conscious leaders. Exclusively tailored for IMMERSEE, SEED offers a comprehensive approach that immerses students in the fundamental elements of sustainability, known as FEWPMW. Through immersive learning experience we empower students to explore, understand, and take action to protect our planet.
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